Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 8 minutes Description: Single Video Purchase.This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 15 minutes Description: Single Video Purchase.This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. Step 9 is a double step, which means it takes up the space of 2 regular steps. The right foot takes up the entire 9th step, and it is repeated on the left foot (which is the 10th step). Each video contains the step breakdown and the step danced to music. This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 12 minutes Description: Single Video Purchase.This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. Step 7 is a double step, which means it takes up the space of 2 regular steps. The right foot takes up the entire 7th step, and it is repeated on the left foot (which is the 8th step). This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1: