Advanced Reel I
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 1
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 11 (Single Step)
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 10 minutes
Description: Single Video Purchase. This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
- Step 11
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 5/6 (Single Step)
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 17 minutes
Description: Single Video Purchase. This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. Step 5 is a double step, which means it takes up the space of 2 regular steps. The right foot takes up the entire 5th step, and it is repeated on the left foot (which is the 6th step). This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
- Step 5/6
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 3/4 (Single Step)
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 14 minutes
Description: Single Video Purchase. This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. Step 3 is a double step, which means it takes up the space of 2 regular steps. The right foot takes up the entire 3rd step, and it is repeated on the left foot (which is the 4th step). This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
- Step 3/4
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 2 (Single Step)
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 8 minutes
Description: Single Video Purchase. This package gives you the option of purchasing an individual step. This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
- Step 2
Advanced Reel #1 (All 12 Steps)
Length: 12 steps; 9 videos; 102 minutes
Description: Full Routine. This routine starts to add more challenging rhythms and footwork, including syncopated rhythms, longer step combinations, and triplet sounds using your heel. Some steps in this routine are double steps (where 1 step takes up 2 steps of music). This group/routine includes the following videos:
- Full Routine with Music (Slow, Medium & Fast)
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3/4
- Step 5/6
- Step 7/8
- Step 9/10
- Step 11
- Step 12
Advanced Reel #1 – Step 1 (Single Step)
Length: 1 step; 1 video; Approx. 9 minutes
Description: Single video purchase. This selection provides you with the option of purchasing an individual step. This package includes the following video from Advanced Reel #1:
- Step 1